Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Prolonged QT and stomach pain...ugh!

So I end up at the emergency room on Monday. I haven't felt right for over a week with intense stomach pains that don't go away. I wanted to diet this year, but this was not exactly what I had in mind! So, they give me some heavy duty pain killers through and iv and also give me some saline and a sugar/saline mixture because I was borderline dehydrated. While I was there they hooked me up and did and EKG because I also have been experiencing some pressure in my chest. Well, I guess it was a good thing they did as they noticed a Prolonged QT - so, home I go with a holter monitor for 24 hours and am still waiting for the results of THAT particular test.

This morning I had to go up to the hospital again. This time I had a CT scan done of my stomach and pelvis. Oh the joys of drinking barium sulfate:) I don't care if it comes in berry flavored or not, this is still some nasty stuff! And you have to drink soooo much of it! The test itself is painless and doesn't take too long. Now it is just a waiting game on both of these. Hopefully they can figure out what is going on soon, living like this is truly miserable!

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